

Blog Article

The value of Alex

Friday 28 February 2020

Rental Heroes fridge magnets

Our current customers are finding that 82% of tenants are rating their experience as “better” when compared to email or phone communication channels.

In fact, we have also found that 62% of all tenant-initiated requests are now being handled by Alex (vs. legacy channels) – with many steps now partially or fully automated. This user adoption compares to <10% for comparative tenant portals and app channels.

So why is the adoption of “Alex” so strong?

  • It’s available 24/7! We have found that 74% of tenant requests and issues happen outside of standard business hours.

  • Along with email and SMS onboarding, we offer Tenants a fridge magnet. It’s old school, but it works. 50% of tenants are simply scanning a QR code to access Alex via their Messenger app. No separate apps or logins required.

  • Alex is intuitive, quick, helpful and fun. Alex instantly answers common question like “when is my rent due” – whilst efficiently triaging and escalating your urgent and non-urgent maintenance issues.

Property managers also love Alex!

Alex communicates directly with their tenants, taking on repetitive tasks like guiding tenants through appliance trouble-shooting, handling out-of-hours urgent issues, asking all the right triage questions and even directing tenants to a pet-request-form. Alex is reducing the amount of phone calls and emails for property managers.

There are also no separate systems for property managers because Alex integrates directly with their existing CRM and maintenance workflow systems.

Our AI helps real estate people, be
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